Eliminate police speed check reporting in residential neighborhoods
Allow POAs, HOAs, and other residential communities to provide WAZE with information to create a geofence around the community that can restrict POLICE reporting. All other features could remain in place.
Our community is loaded with children and the money we spend on speed patrols is wasted through the ability to notify other speeders, through Waze, as to the whereabouts of the speed traps within neighborhoods! There is a major difference between speeding in residential neighborhoods vs highways and city streets. Think about how this could save children. Exclude residential neighborhoods.
Anonymous commented
Waze should absolutely consider this. HOA's and POA's are spending money to pay for these patrols to stop residential speeders from potentially hitting a child or other residents. I love the app on the highway, but inside of a private road Waze should allow us to have the service blocked inside the private streets.
Anonymous commented
Great idea guys were talking about peoples lives not quality speeding thank you