WaterWaze - River Safety
I am a kayaker and I know I see a LOT of folks on Facebook trying to figure out where items of importance/danger are on their paths - sweepers (trees that have fallen over the water but not gone under), strainers (trees that have fallen into the water, and other debris, as well as places that are good to put-in and take out, or such places that might not be accessible anymore. Water levels/gauges, dams, bridges, shallow spots, dangerous spots... the ability for someone on the water to note any of these things and have it available (especially if there's a way to add a note - "Rocks to left, stay river right") is not only handy, but potentially life-saving. Instead of a vehicle stopped along the road, lost equipment can be noted, such as a kayak that's finally popped loose of a strainer. Basically, it's the same usefulness (if not more, considering how dangerous the water can be), the same premise... just instead of road, you're using waterways and instead of cars and accidents, you're noting conditions and hazards.
Hamza Haroon commented
Waze for boats. Im in a boat off of miami and it hit me that boating and has the same needs (police, navigation, stops, features, and most all advertising (jet ski rental, pools, houses booze)
Elijah Pruitt commented
Need routable water roads for boats on the water. This would be used on rivers, lakes, seas, and oceans. This would be used to help boats locate boat launches and addresses near the water.
Elijah Pruitt commented
Need routable water roads for boats on the water. This would be used on rivers, lakes, seas, and oceans. This would be used to help boats locate boat launches and addresses near the water.
Robert Farrell commented
Let me help you build the Platform.
Reach out waze!!!
RJFarrell10@gmail.com -
Anonymous commented
GREAT IDEA!!! This same WAZE suggestion has been made in many forms requesting a "marine app", 'boating app', 'navigation app' . A shared app for boaters based in marine charts & that finds and provides navigational routing to destinations; weather alerts; rescue requests; MOB alerts;,... and could probably be a money-maker for WAZE: links to boating predators, who gouge for fuel deliveries, tow services, etc. Tthere's no excuse for running out of fuel, (the price for being stupid), but even the cautious can get contaminated fuel, have engine failures.or medical emergencies, etc. There's real interest for a 'WAVS' app!
Anonymous commented
Right!. Primarily for navigation, but also reporting congestion alerts, weather warnings, temporary hazards, fuel locations, prices, ... There's power in boater numbers too!
Anonymous commented
This is great!
Anonymous commented
Have you thought about developing a sort of ‘Wavez’ app for boaters and waterways? I know one of the gps companies has this covered but I believe it costs an arm and a leg. I think it’s TOMTOM or the company that owns them.
Jeff Cee commented
I would love to see a marine navigation
Anonymous commented
SeaWaze & VNav -The Sea State of Safety at Sea
Safety at Sea has been foremost in every mariner’s mind since the first Polynesian pushed his dugout canoe into the surf. Would he find his destination and reach it without incident? Would he be cast away upon some hidden reef? Would a sudden tsunami consume him? Would he ever see his family again? In reality, these are the very same questions every man and woman who has ever gone to sea in any capacity, has quietly mused to themselves.
We continually witness pleasureboat, commercial, and military accidents and loss of life at sea. With today’s technology, it’s inconceivable that each one of those accidents could not have been avoided. But, consider this, what if a captain or OD had a “situational-awareness assistant” at his/her side, continuously informing them of every ‘situation’ within a variable set radius (5 mile zone, for instance) of any ship/object that may pose a potential hazard? Such a ‘zone report’ would consist of:
Vessels operating within the zone, specifying their courses and speeds, CPA, and identifying any that could create a risk of collision -
Recommended appropriate immediate evasive action should the risk of collision exist -
Course information such as SOG, distance, bearing and ID of next navigation aid, time to turn to new course, time to reach destination, arrival time to destination –
Proximate weather conditions including wind speed and direction, visibility, temperature, rainfall, fog –
Sea conditions including wave height, current, direction/speed, surface temperature –
Surface hazards including sea life, icebergs, cargo containers barely afloat, and other flotsam/jetsam (that would be) reported by vessels along the route –
Ancillary information including fuel range, propulsion/auxiliary machinery on line, height of bilge water, fresh water levels, watch time remaining, cargo hold temperatures, inclinometer patterns, and any number of other parameters.The amalgamation of information from these sources (and others), provides safety input to the VNav system:
o VIS - https://cgmix.uscg.mil/VISInformation.aspx?VISOption=
o AIS - https://www.marineinsight.com/marine-navigation/automatic-identification-system-ais-integrating-and-identifying-marine-communication-channels/
o NOAA weather - https://ocean.weather.gov/marine_areas.php
o NOAA charting - https://www.noaa.gov/charting
o MarineTraffic - https://www.marinetraffic.com
o VesselTrackingSystem - http://info.genscape.com/vesseltracker
o Offshore Buoy Data - http://www.buoyweather.com/map/maine-to-massachusetts
o Ocean Currents - http://www.oceanweather.com/data/ and https://earth.nullschool.net/#current/wind/surface/level/orthographic=-60.00,0.00,364
o Communications - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oz_7_1vESeI
o BVS Weather - http://www.tototheo.com/product/bon-voyage-system-bvs-delivered-by-navtor
o Ship Security Reporting System - https://www.marineinsight.com/marine-piracy-marine/how-ship-security-reporting-system-ssrs-helps-to-improve-maritime-security/
o GMDSS - https://www.marineinsight.com/marine-navigation/introduction-gmdss-global-maritime-distress-safety-system/
o LRIT - https://www.marineinsight.com/maritime-law/the-long-range-tracking-and-identification-lrit-system-tracking-and-monitoring-ships/
o VMS - https://www.marineinsight.com/marine-navigation/vessel-monitoring-system-ship-tracking-with-a-difference/
o AMVER - https://www.marineinsight.com/marine-navigation/what-is-automated-mutual-assistance-vessel-rescue-system-amver/
o GIS - https://www.marineinsight.com/marine-navigation/what-is-vessel-management-system/
o ECDIS - https://www.marineinsight.com/marine-navigation/what-is-electronic-chart-display-and-information-system-ecdis/Consider how GPS apps work in your vehicle. Among the numerous selections are WAZE, GoogleMaps, IMap and others. Initially, they all give identical location information based upon GPS signals. Select your destination, and receive time and direction guidance. These apps work seamlessly, and provide the data you need to traverse from point A to point B over the road. Simple. Some apps go even further, and utilize ‘crowd-sourcing’ to allow users to input safety information in real time that may be useful to others in the same vicinity. Police, accidents, stranded cars, road and traffic slowdowns are commonly reported by travelers. From a safety aspect, that information is very useful, because it’s transmitted in ‘real time’.
The algorithms incorporated into the VNav system are designed to be operationally selective, and voice reports are based upon the ranking of each parameter within the sampled base. While the yachtsman or ship operator can manually or verbally select the information desired, the system continuously samples all bases, and if any exceed their pre-programmed safety threshold, that information is immediat
Christian Passerini commented
It would be cool if there was a mode for airplanes, submarines, helicopters, and boat modes on Waze
Alex commented
There is. It's called Elliot. check it out - goelliot.com
Alexandre Jaud commented
Il serait agréable d'avoir un GPS pour les bateaux avec les port, les écluses, la marée, que l'on pourraient éditer avec l'éditeur de carte Waze.
Je sais que cela prendra beaucoup de temps à mettre en place, mais le concept sera révolutionnaire.It would be nice to have a GPS for boats with the port, the locks , the tide , we could edit with the Waze map editor .
I know it will take time to implement , but the concept is revolutionary. -
James Crawford commented
As well there are routes on land, for sailors and seafarers Waze could be very useful to spread maritime safety information, specially for inland waters area. In this way, Waze could share information regarding hazards, meteorological conditions that could affect to ships, boats, etc., or information provided by SAR (search and rescue) organizations or maritime authorities.
Maykel commented
Soy profesor de informatica, y a un grupo de estudiantes se les ocurrio que WAZE integrara la posibillidad de rastrear las embarcaciones que transportan pasajeros eventualmente para saber por donde vienen nuestros seres queridos, y estar mas seguro que todo esta bien.
Queria saber si WAZE ya se se lanzo a integrar ese servicio en el área Maritima. -
KarenStory commented
It sure would be nice to use Waze on the river. For example, the other day we were going up the Ashley River and the train bridge was out-of-order. If we had known, we would have gone elsewhere.
jeff souza commented
Add ferry routs to Martha's vineyard and nantucket. Google has them so it's not that hard. Every rout I put in from the mainland says no rout can be found.