Create your own waze character(mood)
Create your own waze character I think in keeping the same "waze" concept just more variety, so if it were rush hour with Hazards everywhere I could actually find my spouse in the traffic jam by a little something different

M Valencia commented
Be able to add a custom mood will be really great
Yair Mendoza commented
Sería altamente beneficioso fomentar un ambiente social e inclusivo en la comunidad de Waze, brindándoles la oportunidad de crear su propio avatar o estado de ánimo. Al permitir a los usuarios personalizar su estado de ánimo, mantendríamos un cuerpo de avatar estándar, pero les daríamos la opción de elegir la expresión de los ojos, si lleva lentes o no, su estado emocional (triste o feliz), el tono de piel e incluso la posibilidad de celebrar fechas especiales o usar un tipo de gorro. Las posibilidades serían amplias y variadas.
It would be highly beneficial to foster a social and inclusive environment within the Waze community by encouraging users to create their own avatar or mood. By allowing users to customize their mood, we would maintain a standard avatar body while giving them the option to choose the eye expression, whether they wear glasses or not, their emotional state (sad or happy), skin tone, and even the ability to celebrate special dates or wear a specific type of hat. The possibilities would be vast and diverse. -
Anonymous commented
Add a Way To Create Your Own Mood
Anonymous commented
Freakin great idea!
Anonymous commented
Great idea!