Custom vehicle
All want different vehicles, is it possible to either take picture of your vehicle or find on net and upload to waze. Then have waze turn it into your vehicle icon vs. The few you have like batman joker etc..
It would make this alot more personal, vs just adding vehicle in setting, which I belive is new.

Simonas Radžius commented
We need to be able to add our own cars. Just make a system that takes obj files or other similar format of 3D object and process the file to add it as a custom veihicle.
Allan Mohr commented
I cannot believe that this hasn't been implemented yet. The current vehicle selection is abysmal. They don't even have a basic SUV car, even in white (the most common car on the road).
I don't need my car looking like a bulldozer or race car... -
Stuart Calder commented
I want to change the setup as I tow a caravan on occasions but it only allows me to specify Private car, taxi or motorbike. How do I change it?
777 commented
and more colors to the existin icons
Anonymous commented
I drive an SUV but I would like the car icon to look more like my own car.. a KIA Sedona/Carnival.
If there could be an option to use our own custom icons for our own cars, this idea could help other vehicle owners too ;)