Improve starting voice directions
When setting off from a parking lot I find wave does not give directions left or right when exiting the parking lot. A lot of times I'm left guessing, or having to study the map. It's almost like wave has no idea where it is!
Once you've made the turn its gets on track.

a90-fiver commented
I call this a "Disoriented Device" and its a serious issue. When first starting Waze and entering a route, it will give inconsistent directions when leaving a parking lot. The device is "disoriented" in that it has no way to calculate the heading that the vehicle will begin traveling on.
My recommendation is to show a "North-up" satellite view of where the user is (e.g., in a parking lot) and what exit or optimum road entry point the driver should use to begin the route to the destination. Once a track is available from vehicle movement, then display normal route directions. I would be willing to beta test such a feature.
Anonymous commented
Many times when leaving a parking lot, Waze is disoriented.
Although I had Waze on to get me to the parking lot, as I approach the exit it tells me to turn left onto a street. Unfortunately if not from the area I do not know the street name and it is not marked at a parking lot exit.
After making the turn, I find that I am going the wrong direction and have to add time to my trip to get back on track.
Very frustrating!Suggest waze works on improving its directional mapping when exiting parking lots.
Charles Hedlin commented
Waze always tries to start me off a block or two away, and in downtown rush hour traffic, this is useless. I'm always going to exit my parking structure the way I came in.