Please can we have a “mud on road” hazard option
A “mud on road” option added to the hazard categories to alert other road users to slippery conditions
João Guilherme Pedrílio commented
Costumo pegar estradas rurais no interior do Brasil e em épocas de chuva há muitos problemas de lama na pista vindo de propriedades laterais e também descidas. Gostaria de poder alertar outros motoristas sobre este tipo de perigo, pois existe o risco de acidentes. Claro, também gostaria de ser alertado.
João Guilherme Pedrílio commented
I usually take rural roads in the interior of Brazil and in times of rain there are many problems of mud on the track coming from side properties and also falling slopes. I would like to be able to alert other drivers about this type of danger, as there is a risk of accidents. Of course, I would also like to be alerted.
Anonymous commented
A Mud hazard would be very useful for rainy and agriculturals regions like Normandy please because mud on thé roads is very dangerous for bikers and cars drivers too and much more into turns
Anonymous commented
I feel we need Mud on road in the hazard on road. I post it as an object on road at the moment, but I think it should have its own title