Make business names/logos in ads larger.
Besides placing the product in an ad, also insert the company or logo AND.. make them large enough to be seen on a small screen.
I'd like to help the Waze developers/company prosper by advertisers knowing their ads are seen.
Being crowned for several years now I've seen many, many ads, but only a handful of times been able to answer the question: "Have you seen this product/company". And by "a handful" I mean five times or less. In seven years and hundreds of thousands of miles.

Mick Frank commented
I think it is better to attract more different types of marketers, this will improve the competitive situation on the market. You can also resort to the presentation method In this case, the number of customers will increase and investment will be possible
Anonymous commented
In response to surveys of which ad I recently viewed i paid more attention to the ads to see if I could remember. What I noticed is the actual company name the ad is for us usually in very small font or not visible at all. I do see pictures of things but I don’t know what company it’s for. I think it would be helpful to simplify the ads and make the company name bigger so we remember it.