Mandorections "This is the way"- A Star Wars theme for Waze!
A feature that takes popular transportation scenario quotes from the Star Wars Franchise that voices over the "starting route to" phrase. This add on is relevant due to the huge fan support of the new Disney Mandalorian show. This would engage users and would be a fun, nostalgic way to get to your destination.
Opening the Waze App
"I will help you, I have spoken"
Potential Quotes for "take off"
"this is the way"
"Chewie, get us out of here!"
"Stay on target"
Stuck in traffic
"Sir, rebel ships are coming into our sector"

Scott Brannon commented
YES I want Mandorections!!!
Mark commented
%100 need this
Kevin Christley commented
This is the way!
Mark commented
This is a must for all millions of fans and also new fan that are joining 🙌🏾 will pay if have too
Mark commented
Yes this is the way finally I will re download the app
Roman Romaniuk commented
"MANDORECTIONS"?!? Ummm, sounds a bit RUDE, doesn't it? Just WHAT are we really talking about here, anyway??
Clark Reed commented
I will help you.
Dorian commented
When you get to the destination, it should say (in the armorer voice) “Lady Kryze, your reinforcements have arrived.”
I would pay Waze to have the Mandalorian armorer give me directions. I would use Waze exclusively and never use another gps again if the Mandalorian armorer was giving me directions. This is the way. -
Andy Murray (MrAndyMurray) commented
THIS... is the waze.
Rea Cupit commented
This Is the Way! 💜
Jennifer Sanders commented
This is the way!!!
Di Edwards commented
Please implement this!! I would pay for it.
Jennifer Vernon commented
I would love to have The Armorer leading the way on my journeys.
David Aguilar commented
This is the way
Dean commented
Must have it.
Dusty Dirt commented
"I have spoken!"
Bill Mather commented
This would be a nice addition to entertain my grandchildren!
Mickie Mousseau commented
This is the Waze
Rodney Witkos commented
This is the waze.
Matt Sanoian commented