Mandorections "This is the way"- A Star Wars theme for Waze!
A feature that takes popular transportation scenario quotes from the Star Wars Franchise that voices over the "starting route to" phrase. This add on is relevant due to the huge fan support of the new Disney Mandalorian show. This would engage users and would be a fun, nostalgic way to get to your destination.
Opening the Waze App
"I will help you, I have spoken"
Potential Quotes for "take off"
"this is the way"
"Chewie, get us out of here!"
"Stay on target"
Stuck in traffic
"Sir, rebel ships are coming into our sector"

Luqman Hakim Zahari commented
This is the way
Tom Christian commented
Frankie Ruiz commented
I need it
Zaphod Bezerker commented
Also, "You have arrived at your destination. I have spoken"
K commented
Yes, but it should only say "this is the way".
When you turn it on? "This is the way."
When you follow a direction. "Turn Left" you turn left "This is the way."
When you turn it off? "This is the way." -
Ty commented
I would LOVE this!!! Please make it happen
Stephanie Nover commented
Do or do not. There is no try.
Just do.
Sebastian Flores commented
This would be great!
I hope we really get Emily Swallow's voice though.
This is the Waze. -
JP commented
THIS IS THE WAY by the Armorer !!!
Joel O. commented
This is the way
Neil Viertel commented
I will gladly switch to waze.
For Mandalore.
"This is the way." -
Lynn R. Murphy commented
Do what must be done!
Lehabim commented
Please do! This is the way
Eric Quertermous commented
I will quit using Google Maos if this happens.
Buz commented
I can bring you in warm… or I can bring you in cold!
Deo Jenna commented
This is the way
Alexa Rogers commented
This is absolutely necessary
Samantha Adams commented
For Mandalore
This is the way -
Andrea Stevens commented
Rich Harris commented
Punch it!