Mandorections "This is the way"- A Star Wars theme for Waze!
A feature that takes popular transportation scenario quotes from the Star Wars Franchise that voices over the "starting route to" phrase. This add on is relevant due to the huge fan support of the new Disney Mandalorian show. This would engage users and would be a fun, nostalgic way to get to your destination.
Opening the Waze App
"I will help you, I have spoken"
Potential Quotes for "take off"
"this is the way"
"Chewie, get us out of here!"
"Stay on target"
Stuck in traffic
"Sir, rebel ships are coming into our sector"

David commented
This is the way
Josef Iebed commented
This is the way
Héctor Salgado commented
This is a mandatory update
Raza Edah-Tally commented
This is the way
Julia C. commented
This is the way
Yosef Feriyanto commented
This is the way
Miss Mausoleum commented
This is the way
Max Anderson commented
This is the way
Darrell Little commented
Yes 🙌
Chris Bartlett commented
YES Please! I need the Armorer and Kuiil talking to me in my car.
Daniel H. commented
This is the way
Charlie Capen commented
Adam Southfield commented
This is the way
Julia commented
Yes! Absolutely! This is the way!
Heather Creely commented
Absolutely have to have this.
Mihaela Savova commented
This is the way - definitely the Armorer
Plus a friend of mine has been joking for years, that turns should be in Yoda's voice, i.e. Turn to the right you must.
Mark Allen commented
“This is the way.” - c’mon Waze, it’s right there!
sankar ramachandran commented
The armoured saying "This is the way" will be the best of them all.. For all the others Din djarin voice is good but once the navigation starts, it should start with the statement "This is the way"
Talmor Keidar commented
Yes please
Game Master commented
Excellent idea