“Missed my turn” Button
Have a button that you can hit if you miss your turn/exit, so that the system automatically starts re-calculating the route. Sometimes it take a while for it to realize you missed (maybe the roads run near each other for a bit), and by the time it realizes, you may miss your next fastest opportunity.
Caitlin Sheds commented
I have a couple of suggestions just to help make sure those using Waze are able to do so and drive safely. I find I'm often put in a reactionary position as a driver with the Waze app - tons of extra turns, suggestions for last minute lane changes, etc. - that make it hard for me to use the app and be a safe driver.
1. If a driver misses a turn, assess how many feet it will take the driver to take the next available safe turn, don't just suggest the next street. I've been in several situations where in order not to miss a following turn, I would have had to cut across several lanes of busy traffic. I don't know if this can be done algorithmically by assessing a driver's position and driving speed, but just food for thought.
2. Related to the suggestion above, if there is a faster route available, factor in how much reaction time a driver needs to change course. If you tell me to hang a left on one street and then quickly change to hanging a right on another street in 50 feet, I might not have enough time to cut across lanes to execute the turn. It also has my eyes darting repeatedly between the app and the road to anticipate what will come next, which isn't safe.
3. In order to save a few minutes, I find I'm often told to turn down side streets and then hang an unguarded left onto a busy main street. While it appears these types of shortcuts could save time, in a city like Los Angeles (where I live) it would probably just have been quicker to use the next street over with the light rather than wait for a big enough pocket to open up in traffic to make an unguarded turn. Again, not sure if it's possible to use an algorithm to assess what technically saves time from what actually saves time, but I find myself having to check and recheck Waze while I am driving to figure out if I should make the turns it's suggesting or use my own judgment. Either way, so much interaction with the app while driving is just not that safe, even with the voice suggestions. Hope this helps!