waze will give to the user to select between "fast" or "short" route
waze will give to the user to select between "fast" or "short" route
Yumi Zeviar commented
I like to be able to set my preference as "Fastest", but I'd like to see other options as well. Is it possible to notify by voice where there is a BETTER (faster) route while I'm driving with the selected route like Google Maps?
mal commented
Waze takes me down alleys, dead ends and tells me to do a U-Turn three miles after the road it wants me to take.
David Winter commented
I drive an electric car, the shortest route is often the most fuel efficient route for me.
Olivia Wakeman commented
Please offer route choices: Fastest. Cheapest. Shortest. “Best”
Brian's Work Account commented
For my journey to work in the morning there are two routes, one route is 1 minute quicker but 10 kms longer, I choose the shorter distance for the 1 minute penalty every time. Waze does not even offer the shorter route as an option. This is my main daily journey so there's no point even having the app if it can't do what I need it to do.
Hello otherside commented
I nearly crashed when waze took me via icy narrow country lanes instead of going via a & b roads.
Keith Redick commented
The algorithm currently used does not work. I always want the fastest and couldn’t care less about the shortest.
Paula Amoreo commented
Solucionen por favor el cálculo del tiempo por cada viaje, en el último año no hubo una sola vez que no se me haya aumentado entre 10 y 15 minutos el tiempo de demora a mitad de viaje. No es lo mismo salir de tu casa sabiendo que llegas a tu trabajo a horario, que llegar 15 minutos tarde por culpa del gps.
Agreguen la opción de seleccionar viaje más corto o viaje más rápido, hay veces que me envía por tramos súper largos o con demasiados semáforos.
Y pareciera que existe algún logaritmo para que te envíe siempre por los caminos más usados, y no los que más convienen. -
Julien Lefèvre commented
Même problème que Jean plus haut résidant frontière suisse avec mon véhicule d'entreprise je n'ai pas le droit d'y passer
Jean commented
Ajouter une option. Autoriser ou non la sortie de territoire, de pays. Pendant le confinement, Waze me proposait de passer par la Belgique alors que ça m’était interdit.
דוד מסיקה commented
התוכנה הזאת הייתה קיימת לבדוק אפשרות להחזיר אותה
Anonymous commented
Sugiro o retorno das opções: rota mais rápida mais curta.
Gustavo commented
Perfeito! Endosso a ideia pois procurei este longo e difícil caminho até os comentários para colocar exatamente esta mesma ideia. Apoio completo e desejo que logo seja aceita esta ideia. Abraço.
Rond Leonel commented
Sou motorista de UBER e seria bem viável que se tivesse uma chave na tela principal, onde podemos colocar o "TIPO DE ROTA" rápida ou curta, assim é possível buscar o cliente com a opção curta e leva-lo com a opção rápida com uma simples mudança de chave na tela principal do waze.