Greater User Customization
I love using Waze and have for years. Traffic congestion alerts and auto reroute around such congestion is awesome. Alerting police presence is also great. When I first stated using Waze I was simply commute a short distance. Today I’m clocking over 40,000 miles a year and as a road warrior I now listen to a lot of podcasts and audiobooks and Waze is constantly interrupting what I’m listening to. The alerts are endless and I’m prompted 4 times for every turn. My podcast is even interrupted to alert me to train tracks. This is unnecessary - all I need is a simple chime near a turn 1 or two times - no voice needed and tell me if something is literally in the road (not a car on the shoulder). Don’t tell me to stay straight for 15 miles - I’m not turning until you tell me too. I keep turning the voice off because it NEVER stops and now I’m missing turns. Im currently seeking an alternate GPS solution.