Adding gas cost per trip or cost effective route options or fuel efficient or total trip cost by weekly or monthly.
Kindly add gas cost per trip or cost effective route options or fuel efficient navigation or total trip cost by weekly or by monthly cost. By this option user can estimate his/her cost before start driving. Waze user can decide and can track for fuel or other additional expense.

José Antonio commented
To be able to manage car costs like
Annual revisions, garage, insurance, taxes, parking
Gasoline & kilometersAt the end, to have all the información about car costs for a period (year, month, week)...
Anonymous commented
Sometimes Waze chooses a route several Km longer to save 1 minute. There should be an option that let the user to give some more weight to the distance when choosing the fastest route
Alex Burca commented
If I use waze for work trips, it would be useful to know how many miles I've drove, and gas consumption. This can be achieved in many different ways, Most likely way to go is by creating a car profile within waze client settings, based on Car's MPG.
pesso commented
there is a difference in gas usage between shorter route with many stop signs or traffic lights and a little longer route say on a highway.
moreover, for those that always drive with waze inputing how much gas you get will help to calibrate some average numbers to your personal gas usage