Groups on the road
Create groups, which on the road will see their members in real time, which will share their routes and destinations. This is very useful for companies and their agents on the road.
Sierra Killo commented
specific Sensor locations for FastTrak would help to plan trip to specific locations
Andres Diaz commented
quiero ver si cabe la posibilidad de que los empleados usen WAZE y asi ver en linea donde estan
Anonymous commented
Could you please add to the "Show on Map" function the ability to "Show Group" members locations on the map? I work with a group of people who work in the field. This capability will allow us to locate each other when we are deployed.
Peter Jacobs commented
I would only like to see Wazers in my group. IF I view all then it becomes to cluttered
Mike Bronner commented
I use Waze in my car when visiting clients. I would like to be able to track which car I am in. This would let me track mileage reports per vehicle, and see what trips I made with which vehicle.