“Still there” “not there” button
Put the buttons BESIDE each other not stacked. Even as a passenger I have hit the “not there” button in error.

Emil Tochilovsky commented
APPLE CARPLAY ISSUE - Agree! And also make it appear higher up. That should also help with not obscuring the ETA which could be hidden for an extended period of time while in traffic with multiple alerts. I would rather not click "still there" just to see the ETA because something 0.5 miles away could take 10-15 min to see when in heavy traffic.
Michael Paston commented
I agree. Driving if you even hit a small bump when tapping the finger drops and the wrong button pressed with no revert option.
Michael Holton commented
more times than i can remember
Audrey Peachock commented
YES, PLEASE!! Can’t tell you how many times I have hit a bump and hit the wrong one.
Mike commented
good idea!!!!
Russell Darroch commented
Would also help if they were different colours
Jacalyn Newhart commented
I agree! They should be side by side squares. I’m always hitting the wrong one.