Group toll passes & exemptions by country and/or state
It would be great that if in the app the Toll passes and exemptions would be grouped by country and/or state. As there are a gazillion ones in the list it's hard to find the ones you want to choose.
Ex. Belgium -> LEZ Antwerp, LEZ Bruxelles, LEZ Ghent and etc.
France -> Crit'Air 1,2,3,4,5,E
Germany -> Umweltplakette Grün, Umweltplakette gelb.

Adam Ambrus commented
The selection of all available Tolls is now currently just one long list. In my opinion especially in EU it would be useful to group by country first and within those countries (folders) let me check the tolls/passes I have or not.
Istvan Csaplaros commented
Would it be possible to listing the element in the Tolls & HOV part by markets and choose the available proper Tolls& HOV as a sub element under the markets? Current format is so messy to listing the all elements for markets.
I hope could you try make it somehow soon.
Thanks in advance.