Allow Waze to resume my route after I stop.
When I stop along my route, Waze doesn't resume my route when I get back in the car. I have to re-program the route. This will force me to return to Google Maps as my travel app when I'd prefer to use Waze.

Stefan Zadravec commented
Just recently started using Waze with AA and can't believe this isn't possible! Seems like a no brainer but OP posted this more than a year ago and no traction on this. How hard can it be especially if Google Maps can do this?
Craig Webster commented
Agreed. It is crazy that this still doesn't work. In fact it's crazy to me that Google Maps and Waze haven't merged into one super-app, but that's another story entirely.
Dániel Tahin commented
It happens often that when I get close to my destination but missing a turn, waze thinks that I am arrived and ends navigation so I have no idea how to correct that missed turn until I stop and replan the route. There should be a setting for ending navigation automatically or manually.
Florentin von Frankenberg commented
Navigation automatically gets cancelled when you aren't moving for a period of time. This can happen during a long red light, in traffic, or when you stop for gas. There is no notification that navigation has been ended and when you get moving again you might assume you will still receive directions, thereby missing your turn (and driving without receiving roadway hazard notifications!).
Michael Rogers commented
Please continue navigating to the Destiination until I have stopped and clicked a button on the screen. Often I passed my Destiination not knowing which house I’m supposed to stop at and then the GPS has stopped and said I have arrived. This is not how it should work. Garman GPS would keep navigating and re-navigate if you passed your destination.
Mishoo MeHigh commented
If you are moving slow or standing still like in a traffic jam and the screen is off the app closes after a while. I usually use waze with the screen off to preserve battery life or to protect my phone from overheating and sometimes when I unlock the screen I see that waze is not running anymore. I get that this is useful for when you arrive at a destination and forget to turn off the app but when you have an active route I don't see the point for an auto-close
Ememe commented
When the car stops, even for a red light, the Waze Navigation ends. When the car starts moving again, there is a screen asking if you still want to go to your destination, but once I get a green light I don't want to manipulate the phone to tell Waze to continue navigating.
Navigation should re-start automatically, even after a long stop such as for loading gas and using the rest room. If the driver does not want the navigation to continue, he/she can stop it.
In any case, the amount of time Waze waits until navigation is stopped should be increased substantially to solve the problem of the long lasting red lights.