"User state" option
"User state" option: Invite the user to each opening of the application, to choose the way in which it is going to be mobilized (always open in default with the last state)
In this way, Waze will be able to immediately segregate user data when it does not correspond to, for example, driving a car.
1) driver of (a) car; (b) Taxi driver -uber etc-; (c) buses; (d) loaded truck; (e) empty truck
2) passenger of (a) car; (b) Taxi -uber etc-; (c) bus, train, tram, subway passenger; (d) loaded truck; (e) empty truck
3) cyclist;
4) pedestrian;
5) I will not be moving
In addition to facilitating and specifying the task of the algorithm, this identification will serve for many future Waze services. There is no need to list them, they arise on their own and will generate new sectoral alliances