Voice/audio command instances & timing
The timing of the audible commands should be perfectly consistent. I drive a semi thru all 48 states and sometimes it seems like the audible voice command forgets or seems to pick and choose when to tell me the next instruction, and I would like to not have to mess with my phone while driving to pull the wave app back on screen if it isn't already, read the instruction, and navigate the onscreen map to see where to turn while in heavy traffic on urban roads/hwys I'm unfamiliar with trying not to miss my turn. Sometimes, it'll announce 300 ft before i must execute the command but not at all anytime before that and im clearly in the wrong lane to do so safely by then. So, the voice command should either be set to announce the next command at a minimum of these following 5 instances EVERYTIME: immediately after executing the previous command, 5 mi before next command execution, 1 mi before it, 1000 ft before it, and immediately before it (300 ft), and if the next execution is within 1000 ft from the previous one, the audio should still announce both commands just before executing the previous command, or the audio commands should just be adjustable where the user can checkbox all of the instances/circumstances when they want the next command announced.
Brandon ariya commented
Usually when I miss a turn using the Waze app, it's because of this reason 9 times out of 10.