have a date and time for last person update. This would help with fuel prices being accurate
Hi. The last person update on the Waze app should have a date and time or when it was last updated. Sometimes I feel the cash station workers manipulating the app to show cheaper prices only to turn up and it’s never ever. The case. I’ve witnesses certain branches do this and I go by the gas station everyday and always update it and alway seeems to be the same person. Made a report on google on the very station and had thousand of comments saying something similar. So instea of simply having the the name of the last person who updated any information we should include the date and time for more accurate info. That way there’s no way prices are being changed hourly. Simply hate driving miles away only for the price to not be what’s stated. This might stop petrol station employed lying on Waze up to get people to show up and it’s never never ever the price listed