RV/Truck routing
Any possibility in the future to be able to choose RV or Tractor Trailer as your vehicle then trigger truck routes that would send you around low clearances or sharp turns, step grades etc.?
Heather Connolly commented
As an emergency responder I'd have to say this should be a critical update to Waze. The amount of oversized vehicles we have to deal with, that have gone down wrong roads that have weight & length limits, is rediculous. Currently no navigation tool that I am aware of gets this one right. These vehicles shouldn't be navigated to these road routes ever, so it would be a terrific lead advancement in navigation tools, if Waze included these info warnings when an oversized or heavy vehicle plots a route
سجاد commented
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C A S S T R O commented
Haider Al Waili commented
Ahmed Raheem commented
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mohannad hosain commented
This is very important to reduce congestion between large and small vehicles, thereby decreasing potential accidents.
ibrahem al saade commented
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