Traffipax idősávos 22h-6h sebességkorlátozás
Kedves waze egy weboldalnak a linkjét osztanám meg veletek ahol megtaláljátok Németország területén található traffipaxokat és a traffipaxok pontos leírását amiből értékes adatot nyerhetek. Az én észrevételem dresdenben belvárosában volt hogy az app jelezte a traffipaxot de hibás sebesség határt mutatott ugyanis a mi környékünkön elég sok hely van ahol esti korlátozás van érvényben este 22-6-ig 30km/h ezt kellene egyszer fejleszteni az app ban. a következő amit fejleszteni kellene hogy egy piros lámpa motívumot kellene rakni azokhoz a tafipaxok figyelmeztetéséhez ahol a trafi nem csak sebeséget mér hanem figyel piros lámpánál való megállást is amit persze ugyanezen a linken megtaláltok a leírásban. Nagyából vádolom a weblap felépítését: tartományok > helyiségek > kihelyezett mérőeszközök . Amelyben javaslatom felkelti az érdeklődésetek a profilom email címén elérhető vagyok. és végül az idáig emlegetett weblap linkje:
Dear waze, I would like to share with you the link of a website where you can find the traffic stations located in Germany and the exact description of the traffic stations, from which I can obtain valuable information. My observation was in the city center of Dresden that the app indicated the traffipax but showed the wrong speed limit, because in our area there are quite a few places where there is an evening restriction of 30 km/h from 22:00 to 06:00, this should be improved in the app. the next thing that should be developed is that a red light motif should be added to warn the traffic lights where the trafi not only measures speed but also monitors stops at red lights, which of course you can find in the description on the same link. I pretty much blame the structure of the web page: ranges > rooms > outsourced measuring devices. If you are interested in my proposal, I can be reached at the email address in my profile. and finally the link to the website mentioned so far: Dear waze, I would like to share with you the link of a website where you can find the traffic stations located in Germany and the exact description of the traffic stations, from which I can obtain valuable information. My observation was in the city center of Dresden that the app indicated the traffipax but showed the wrong speed limit, because in our area there are quite a few places where there is an evening restriction of 30 km/h from 22:00 to 06:00, this should be improved in the app. the next thing that should be developed is that a red light motif should be added to warn the traffic lights where the trafi not only measures speed but also monitors stops at red lights, which of course you can find in the description on the same link. I pretty much blame the structure of the web page: ranges > rooms > outsourced measuring devices. If you are interested in my proposal, I can be reached at the email address in my profile. and finally the link to the website mentioned so far: Dear waze, I would like to share with you the link of a website where you can find the traffic stations located in Germany and the exact description of the traffic stations, from which I can obtain valuable information. My observation was in the city center of Dresden that the app indicated the traffipax but showed the wrong speed limit, because in our area there are quite a few places where there is an evening restriction of 30 km/h from 22:00 to 06:00, this should be improved in the app. the next thing that should be developed is that a red light motif should be added to warn the traffic lights where the trafi not only measures speed but also monitors stops at red lights, which of course you can find in the description on the same link. I pretty much blame the structure of the web page: ranges > rooms > outsourced measuring devices. If you are interested in my proposal, I can be reached at the email address in my profile. and finally the link to the website mentioned so far:
Lieber Waze, ich möchte mit dir den Link einer Website teilen, auf der du die in Deutschland befindlichen Verkehrsstationen und die genaue Beschreibung der Verkehrsstationen findest, über die ich wertvolle Informationen erhalten kann. Meine Beobachtung war in der Dresdner Innenstadt, dass die App zwar auf die Verkehrsleitlinie hinweist, aber das falsche Tempolimit anzeigt, denn in unserer Gegend gibt es ziemlich viele Orte, an denen abends von 22:00 bis 06:00 Uhr ein Tempolimit von 30 km/h gilt: 00, dies sollte in der App verbessert werden. Als nächstes sollte entwickelt werden, dass ein Rotlichtmotiv hinzugefügt werden soll, um die Ampeln zu warnen, bei denen der Verkehr nicht nur die Geschwindigkeit misst, sondern auch die Stopps an roten Ampeln überwacht, was Sie natürlich in der Beschreibung unter demselben Link finden können. Die Schuld daran liegt vor allem am Aufbau der Seite: Bereiche > Räume > ausgelagerte Messgeräte. Wenn Sie an meinem Vorschlag interessiert sind, erreichen Sie mich unter der E-Mail-Adresse in meinem Profil. und schließlich der Link zur bisher genannten Website: