Two new buttons. To make the auto zoom stop.
Hello, We would like you to develop a button on Waze to click the map to above view to STAY ON WHAT IS LOOKED UP. The same for zoom.
A button that lets the user look at the map from directly above in map view. A map view button that holds the map view and stops the auto route view stop.
A hold button, that holds the view that is set by the user.
William Caldwell commented
Waze needs two buttons to stop set the view as the user wants. This will stop auto zoom.
What is frustrating is zooming in on a map view getting it set and then having the auto zoom take over and zoom in and take it to rout view. These buttons would allow the user to take control and view it as they wish.
Button 1 - Map View - set the view to map from above and locks in North as up.
Button 2 - Lock View - Sets the view to where the user puts it and stopped auto zooming.