Allow user to adjust the speed of audio/TTS annoucements (0.5x, 0.8x, 1x, 1.5x, 2x)
Spotify and YouTube allow users to control the speed of audios or videos.
You can play audios or videos at speeds of 0.5x, 0.8x, 1x, 1.5x, 2x and 3x.
I suggest the same should apply to Waze.
Audio or TTS announcements could be faster or slower depending on the user's preferences.

Jean-François Hurel commented
Peux-t-on ralentir le débit des voix françaises de David et Vanessa ?
Paul P commented
Make the voice slower
Like it used to be bedore last voice update December 1024 -
Miroslav Vlodarčík commented
Please add option for speech speed, it talks slow.
MJ S. commented
So I think that the audio output adjustment on announcements is way to high, it almost mutes audio playback while announcing, so I'd appreciate a feature which makes it possible to adjust the intensity of playback decrease.