Allow swipe to close notifications.
When a notification appears on the Waze client, there's an "X" on the top-right corner to close it. The close button also has an auto-timer, which is fine.
However, while driving it is hard to tap the exact location of the "X" and often i tap on another nearby portion of the screen, which only causes the display to change. And waiting for the timer is not always practical (i only need 3-5 seconds to read a notification, not up to 15 seconds!).
So instead (or additionally)... why not have the notifications close by simply swiping them off the screen? Swiping effectively turns the entire notification message into a giant "X" rather than peck-and-hunt (and take my eyes off the road) trying to hit the tiny "X" button. And by swiping, i wont have to wait the eternally-long timers before the notifications auto-close. Thanks!