Turn by turn (next turn) panel too big
Is there a way to make turn by turn (next turn) smaller in landscape mode. Takes up to much of display. Possibly be able to hide it until you are within a certain distance from the turn. (This is on a Note 3)
Silvio commented
Reduce, or create an option to disable this black screen of conversions. takes up a lot of space on the screen.
Marco commented
Please remove next turns from the screen, it's horrible! Por favor desabilitem o balão de "Próximas conversões", é horrível! Thanks!
SpeedyAddive commented
Close icon or hide the window with directions, covers the map.
Anonymous commented
Reduce the size of the next turn box. In landscape it takes up 25% of the screen. This makes Waze unusable.
Anonymous commented
I would like to vote for this, because I have my android tablet in my car and when it is sideways there is big box on the left top side telling me about next turn.
Then I have my car icon on the right side of tablet.. I want to have it in the middle and not on the right side. :(( It is really annoying -
Anonymous commented
Please do this. I will not use anymore waze because of this.
daniel hiroshi iwamoto commented
gostaria que colocasse uma opção de mostrar ou não a tarja preta que só atrapalha.
Anonymous commented
Turn by turn directions use too much of the navigation screen. Put them at the top or make them optional.
Anonymous commented
As above, as its hard to see all the map, started using Android google maps instead
Colin commented
Please give us the option to disable all text on the vehicle screen
When my iphone is plugged in to the car screen, over 1/2 the viewable map is taken up buy unnecessary text in black boxes restricting the view of the road ahead - It's dangerous, I can see quickly glancing at the screen or listen to spoken instructions where to go, So I don't also need text blocking the view of the road ahead to know where to go
sina commented
Please add new option to hide "next turn " box
This box covered part of screen and map
Tnx -
Girish commented
This suggestion box is turning out to be a bottom less pit where suggestions are simply lost or ignored.
Girish commented
I just noticed that the original suggestion was given in 2014. So it has been four and half years. So I am not holding my breath. I don't think Android Auto or Apple CarPlay existed back then. But now it does and so I am hoping that the developers/architects/product owners take notice and address this.
Girish commented
Yes - the Turn by Turn box occupies more than 25% of my display on Android Auto (which is 8" in size). I would recommend a line at the top of the screen or bottom with instructions.
Kirsan commented
Yea, om my 5" (720 x 1280) it's almost 20% of the screen! We need scale for this and auto hide/show!
Symon commented
So much wasted space there, you can cut that box in half or do something with it please waze!
Symon commented
It's it possible to reduce the size of the green box while navigation? The one that has red light camera in so and so miles etc ... You can totally cut it in half, it blocks the navigation of you have a turn coming up you totally can't see anything... https://s29.postimg.org/eo7819h87/Screenshot_20170613-175001.png
bueller_ commented
Reduce the amount of space the banner and icons are taking up. https://twitter.com/steviecoolest/status/723576075452841985
Luiz Dorça commented
When my phone is in landscape mode, directions bar and the notifications (alerts) bar take too much space in the screen. I can't see the route. Português: Quando o telefone está na posição de paisagem, as barras de direção e alertas ocupam muito espaço da tela. Não consigo visualizar a rota corretamente.
Joel Moura commented
I think the whole interface could be better designed, so that we could have a better view of the map and the route, which are the main goals of Waze.
If an alert pops-up, the route can be impossible to see. If it is a point I do not know or I have to make a turn, I simply cannot see.The upper bar could be smaller, with smaller fonts and could make room for an area for the pop-up in the right corner. The pop-ups could also be semi-transparent, leaving the route to be seen.