Turn by turn (next turn) panel too big
Is there a way to make turn by turn (next turn) smaller in landscape mode. Takes up to much of display. Possibly be able to hide it until you are within a certain distance from the turn. (This is on a Note 3)
Oscar Olivares commented
I have a Galaxi S3. The navigation bar is a black stripe which occupies a very large space. Could be configured for smaller or different level of transparency to not hide the map
Oscar Olivares commented
Tenho um Galaxi S3. A barra de navegacao é uma tarja preta que ocupa um espaço muito grande. Poderia ser configurada para menor tamanho ou diferente nivel de transparencia para nao ocultar o mapa
Timberhawk commented
I agree. If all the info boxes were stacked on the right hand side, say to a width of the ETA info box, then there would be plenty of room to view the map.