Add "Construction" to Hazards > Shoulder
I often see shoulder construction which impacts highway speed, but can only report as either Vehicle stopped on shoulder or On Road > Construction

Charlie Stott commented
I cant find the Roadworks/Construction Icon to the Alerts to find and install??
lewis hamilton commented
Eliminate Noise During Design. ...
Add Noise Barriers. ...
Use Sound-Absorbing Materials. ...
Choose Less Noisy Equipment. ...
Optimize Your Current Equipment. ...
Ensure Proper Saw Cutter Practices. ...
Offer Personal Hearing Protection for Workers. ...
Schedule Work to Control Workers' Exposure to Noise.Admin -
Hamza Feldt commented
Please add a toggle switch to turn the sound off for construction sites, it keeps going off every mile in a 15 long mile work zone!!!
Lj commented
Hello... I am driving on the same road almost every day and I noticed too many potholes on it and nobody repair it for long time ( long time means 3 months and more) and I am forced mark this potholes every day as new coz your system is not keepeng in the memory... Could you plees keep more time for potholes in all the world... this is common problem and while you are driving 70 miles per hour for some drivers this information could save wheels and lives... I personally fed up mark these holes every day... or please make oportunity for drivers to make own personal profile where Waze will keep all marks for me till I will cancel them... thanks
Edy commented
Road construction is very risky, where there are hazards of falling objects. There have been several accidents in Klang Valley, Malaysia where overhead road construction equipment fell and hit the cars and motorists. In each of the accidents, fatality occurred. We need to have this feature so that the drivers can have an option to avoid routes that have roadside or overhead road construction, just like toll & police avoidance.
Anonymous commented
actually there is only the option to set a raod contruction alert - and in my case it is disappearing abfer 30 minutes. Road construction normally lasts for days, month or even years.
Add a "lasts for" option similar as blocked roads. -
Audra commented
To report an event as "Construction," because "Hazard" and "Closure" don't suffice.
After "Construction" you can have an option "Merge Left" or "Merge Right" (the way you can currently report Hazard as In Road or On Shoulder).
Dominic Stenning commented
Bring back option to disable pot hole alerts for people like me who don't want overload of alerts to confuse my alerts.
Then people who like it can still use them without forcing others to put up with inaccurate and often pointless alerts.
Let's get the option to disable pot hole back again asap!
Anonymous commented
Dans les signalements il devrait être possible d'indiquer la fermeture d'une rue. En indiquant travaux de construction, Waze continue de proposer le même itinéraire parce qu'il considère que la rue est toujours accessible alors que nous aurions besoin d'une alternative.
There should be an option to show closed road. The alert "works" or "construction" doesn't cover that kind of situation because Waze keeps suggesting to pass through it while often you need an alternative path. Hence, when you try to find another way around, it keeps bringing you back toward the same street even though we indicate "construction".
Anonymous commented
Please include road construction under hazards!
SMB commented
Because there is so much construction, I think it would be a good idea to have its own icon Construction on the send a report screen - there is room for one more icon on the page.
A. Cansino commented
searching for the right button to report an accident or police ahead takes too long and is too distracting from watching the road. Need to make button choices easier. Possibly make it so that if you long touch any part of roadway that is where the report icon will appear along with quick icons to choose. unless im mistaken you do have quick icons on the roadway screen but no ability to set the actual location by a long touch?
chad visintainer commented
police cat. should added
police> police pullover vehicle- reason for officer safety at night time
accident should move under the police
Tree workers,
pot hole filling,
litter people workingvehicle stop should be own cat.
1. delivery truck stopped
2. towing truck assisting an driver
3. vehicle broken down
4. Garage truck working - reason for people to know there frequent stopping vehicle on the road so if they know to alternate there routes if they know the area
5. -
Anonymous commented
Creo que sería provechoso para otros conductores saber la dimensión total de la obra que se avisa en waze, debería haber una funcionalidad para indicar donde comienza y donde termina la reducción del carril por obras
Anonymous commented
Just add a button for construction, don't embed it in another button.
Anonymous commented
I thought the app would avoid closed roads or construction areas, otherwise, what is the use?
Anonymous commented
today the ramp from Mavis to the 401 was closed, waze kept trying to get me to the 401 via Mavis road!!
Rick commented
Speed limit in construction zones
Larry commented
The new reporting option choices are a step backwards. Please restore construction zone as a choice and get rid of the buttons that encourage inappropriate distractions while driving, like map chat and place.
Anonymous commented
Please look at this. I live in a semi rural area and I was just traveling cross-country and was 10 minutes late to one appointment then half an hour late to the next commitment -
-whoa that was truly bad-- where because of two detours that were not marked in Waze nor may I add Google Maps. I want to be able to flag these but I couldn't while I was driving because I was late getting to my appointments and couldn't pull over then to do this. Plus I couldn't find where to report! I just tried to find out how to report this from home.I think u have to be at the site to report? Crazy. I have to go back in 2 weeks and I want to be sure I don't run into the detoured roads and need a good workaround in Waze. Others I know are screaming too for help. G-maps big Zero on this too. so if only for me I would like to be able to mark the detours. Other folks in my area need to know about these detours because there are two within a 15-mile radius and they totally mess you up. Please add the ability for users like me to go back when I have a few minutes from home and mark the place where the detour is, I know exactly where the detour is but others won't so that we can save them time and My time when I go back in a couple of weeks. We could have users also report that the detour has now ended which would save me and others a ton of time also. Lots of us wazers in semi rural and rural areas.. We're dying g for good road info.. FYI I'm 60 miles n of Pgh, happy to help in design I rely on Waze so much.Thanks.