Je voulais savoir s'il etait possible d'ajouter la vitesse limite à côté de la vitesse instantanée (déjà existante)
João Castro commented
Please add speed limit on the beginning of the segment, when on a route, and when speed limit changes.
When the falcon arrow passes by the signal of that segment speed limit, that speed limit appears on the speedmeter -
Anonymous commented
I love the directions that are on the iPhone while in CarPlay. Can you put speed limit on the iPhone screen with the Directions
Fer Finders commented
Improvement can be made by adding the allowed speed (in combination with your actual speed).
RYAD commented
I am a WAZE user for 2 years and for me this app is by far the best of the moment!
I wish to propose an idea that would be very helpful to your subscribers. Indeed, very often , you never know how fast we are allowed to roll. It would be great to have the speed limit in visually on your application. Especially since all have GPS ! Even I- COYOTE !thank you again for all you done to improve this great tool!
Marlex commented
Il serait bien d'avoir dans un coin la limitation de vitesse afin de savoir à combien rouler lors de l'approche d'un radar. Comme le coyote
Mark commented
Speed limits of the roads is a good idea but your other request already exists. It is an option in your preferences. Mine is always on and shows the current speed of my vehicle. If I read your comment correctly I hope this helps
John Mooren commented
While driving and using Waze, if MHP allowed on that road and car speed are added and can be seen, it might assist to eliminate speeding tickets.