store the favorite locations on the server
favorite locations are now saved with your user data on the server.
When installing a fresh version of waze (and not upgrading), you will get a message asking if you’d like to download favorites from the server.
J224Go commented
This is a nice feature but not very useful with the number of favorites so limited. There are votes spread out across hundreds of separate requests to remove the 99 limit on the number of favorites. Everyone: Please also vote to remove the 99 Fav limit here:
dimitryk commented
My favorites were on Russian. After phone crash and hard reset, I reinstalled waze. Favorites were restored from the server, but all russian text changed to unrecognized symbols.
Pascal Polleunus commented
+1 to manage favorites from the website and to reorder/classify -- or at least to have them sorted alphabetically.
Soledk commented
I want to be able to edit favorites thru the my dashboard, including adding new points from the live map. Also being able to share the favorite locations with other waze users would bring it to a whole new level. plus easy to implement since favorites allready are stored on Waze servers
Jean-Daniel SEYRES commented
Furthermore, I'd really love to reorder my favorites as I want to, and love to create folders (family, friends, POI, customers, etc...)
Jean-Daniel SEYRES commented
Yes. I'd like to manage my favorites on the web site, and to have a synchronisation between the server and the iPhone client (or BBR or Android whatever)
gibby71 commented
Would be nice to be able to add to your favorites from as well.