POIs: automatically recognize location and search option
Currently there is no 'City' field in the POI definition. When defining a new one (for instance gas station or train station), you have to specify the city in the name if you want to make it findable within a city search (for instance you want to serach all gas station in the city you are wazing). Thus congesting the map.
Maybe an option when searching for POIs to restrain research within a certain range would be helpful too.

Александър Петров commented
Could you please add feature to show selected 3-5 POI on the screen during navigation. It will be very nice if during navigation i can see how far away are next 3-5 gas station. If they can be with logo like brand of gas station will be the best. In that way i can decide better where to stop for rest with kids.will be giid also ig you click on icon with station also yo add it like next target point.