Prezados, porque voces não lançam um despertador no waze, acordaria a pessoa conforme o tempo de percurso devido ao transito.
Despertador, a pessoa seria avisa "acordada" tantos minutos antes para chegar ao trabalho por exemplo no horário de sempre. Eu acorda as 5:30 chego no trabalho as 7:20 dependendo da adversidade no transito, ele me acordaria tantos minutos antes.

Anonymous commented
Programming a feature which can alert the user like an alarm screaming to wake up, because there are a lot of time which exists heavy traffic and you enjoy to take a nap, however you are worrie about your destiny (this situation It is usual to a user of a bus for example)
Anonymous commented
It would be great to add an alarm function to the app, so that it wakes you up in time, according to the traffic jams on your trajectory
Anonymous commented
You should include an alarm so you can set the destination and the time you need to get there so that waze can tell you when to leave or even better to wake up