Store reports created offline for short period. I.E. Police reports and accidents, see comments
I travel a lot in weak cell service areas on major interstates. I will see an accident or Police situation when I have GPS but not network it says sorry you can't report do it later. However it might be 5 or 10 miles down the road before I can then the event isn't in the right location. Suggest storing the location information along with the time so that when network returns it can be posted.

Wicus.S commented
In AFRICA offline reporting tracked with the offline GPS coordinates for later updates would be grate! It is frustrating to not be able to report anything when there is no cell reception
Hanz Kipper commented
Kann nicht direkt anhalten wenn da ein Blitzer ist muss den doch auch später noch an einem anderen Ort melden können
Edney Helene Dos Santos commented
Yes this would be very very useful !
Anonymous commented
When sending a report, such as hazard on road, it could take time and distance to enter the details. The pin should be dropped at the point of first starting the report.
Anonymous commented
It is almost impossible to identify the exact spot using the current system for identifying things to report. I suggest that you have something like a double tap which records the location and time immediately and saves are beginning of report so that you can go back to it later and add all the relevant details.For example, when you see a new speed camera, by the time it’s safe to do so you are far past the spot.
George M Hernandez commented
Driving at night, I see animals at the edge of the road only as I am passing them. By the time I react and get to the menu item they are a quarter mile behind. It would be nice to have the ability to instantly drop a pin at that point then add the nature of threat. Object in road, animals, pothole, etc. Another idea would be allowing users to choose one or two "instantly accessible" buttons to the map screen. Top level item. Pass animal..Instantly drop pin. This would greatly increase the accuracy of reported hazards.
Andrew Goode commented
I wish I could post an alert without having to be at that exact spot it seems kind of dangerous to do that especially when you're alone. Dropping a pin would be a lot easier when reporting police or any other thing. If I'm in a safe spot I would like to go back and mark the places where I saw something that could help other drivers without actually having to drive back to that spot. Thank you.
Pat commented
It’d be very useful to be able to delete a dropped notification—like police or accident, etc... In the case of a mistaken input.
Second-it’d be really awesome to be able to refine the location of the notifications for accuracy (police, accident, collision, pothole, etc..). Because sometime’s is safer to do when parked or a later time if not safe to use the phone at current time.
John Q commented
There seems to be no way to drop a warning symbol once you have past the desired location. If I want to drop a police symbol once I have past their location by a mile for example, it doesn’t allow me to drop any symbol previous to my current location, this causes inaccurate symbol locations to appear and not helpful to other drivers.. this is on an iPad iOS 14.01, 4.57.10
DCatossi commented
Waze must implement an auto-retry functionality where any alert that's submitted when GPS/data signal is lost, would be put to a background requester queue which would monitor when data connectivity is re-stablished and send it right away.
Case: Users often lose the ability to report important events on locations where mobile signal is poor, inexistent or a momentary device connectivity issue due to Waze not providing any way to at least save those alerts for later. the Later function is only good for a single alert and requires the user to verify if there's connectivity beforehand, which impacts their driving focus.
Technically speaking is a simple listener and messaging queue development for the app.
This would greatly make user lives easier.
DCatossi commented
this should be a base functionality. how many alerts we lose because signal is lost
DCatossi commented
This is a must and often we can't report alerts because signal is lost. Waze needs to get those alerts to a queue and send them right away when there's signal again.
DCatossi commented
this shouldn't even need a retry. should go to a background automatic queue to send later when signal is available
Gaspard commented
And how can you post it if you don't have 3g ? 😂
Mag man commented
I use Waze on my motorcycle. I can't easily submit a report in real time. If I could submit a report later I could notify others that an accident has occurred or new roadworks have started eyc.
Anonymous commented
Users who couldn't report the location info accurately can amend the details later with a drop a pin functionality, because i was one among the user who reported a pothole on a wrong place.
Long touch on the location/Arrow/PIN option in the map to report hazards on the go which will have more accuracy and it needs to customized for the user whether you need a single touch or long hold on the location/arrow on the map because not all users are going to report it.
Pothole quick button/Drop a pin on the maps customizable for users to decide what are the icons to have on the top of the maps to decide what they would like report as it is much more convenient and accurate.
UK Highways department are really good at maintaining the roads, So users may not need to report potholes every time, you will hardly find one or two potholes. So there should be a limitation for the user like they can only report two or three potholes in a trip, so the more the reports from the same location can be looked into as genuine reporting.
Anonymous commented
Users who couldn't report the location info accurately can amend the details later, because i was one among the user who reported a pothole on a wrong place.
Long touch on the location/Arrow in the map to report hazards on the go which will have more accuracy and it needs to customized for the user whether you need a single touch or long hold on the location/arrow on the map because not all users are going to report it.
Pothole quick button on the maps customizable for users to decide what are the icons to have on the top of the maps to decide what they would like report as it is much more convenient and accurate.
UK Highways department are really good at maintaining the roads, So users may not need to report potholes every time, you will hardly find one or two potholes. So there should be a limitation for the user like they can only report two or three potholes in a trip, so the more the reports from the same location can be looked into as genuine reporting.
Saiph commented
How am I supposed mark a road closed without reception? I already had to drive 2 miles back to an intersection to mark the road closed. Now I have to go find reception and hope I'm still close enough to mark the road closed.
Martin Urionaguena commented
Why is it impossible to report an error when you left the area? Many times it happened to me. I see something I need to report, I'm driving, I can't pull over. Once I left the area, pum! gone! impossible to do it.... Waze has to change that. Please.
Someone in the local forum told me "you can do it when you get back home, from your computer" No.... I wanted to do it in real time, that the main heavenly feature for Waze... but it's failing to achieve that goal....Also, I was trying to do it from home with the Waze Map Editor and I was trying to "add a comment". Then I got this reply by email:
The Paso a nivel (barrera) cerrada map comment you’re following in the Waze Map Editor (WME) was recently updated:
See full correspondence below (starting from most recent):
Hola, estos comentarios de mapa son exclusivamente para apuntes, no sirven para reportar problemas o errores. Si necesitas informar algún problema, debes utilizar el menú de Error de Mapa en la misma aplicación. Saludos.Translation: Hello, these comments are exclusively meant as "notes", they are not meant to be "reports". If you need to report something, you must use the "Error" option on the app.
I just told them that THE APP IS NOT ALLOWING TO DO IT WHEN YOIU LEFT THE AREA....Please fix that.
Many thanks
Jonathon commented
I'm by no means a computer programmer that being said I'm sure someone could figure out how to insert road hazards after you pass them. Reason being sometimes I don't have my app on but pass something I need to tell other drivers about. and by the time I get my app on the location is no longer relevant or helpful as the hazard will be prior to the alert notice. Also because sometimes I'm avoiding it the hazard so I can't report the hazard. Case in point, and the reason I finally went to this site with my suggestion. Driving home tonight I got off the freeway onto a dark two-lane highway at 12:30 a.m. to my surprise there was a pedestrian walking their dogs in the middle of freaking nowhere and even with brights on I could not see them until I was too close to avoid if I had to. By the time I got my app on I was a mile away and also there's no selection for dumbass on the road in the middle of the night with his dogs. Or you could shorten it and simply state pedestrians on foot or something more clever. And while I'm at it it would be nice to have a relative moving Target for police going the opposite direction the same direction and assumed the rate of travel. I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to Pace a police officer or other rolling hazards approximate location. And anyone ever think about a delay on police location timing? Cuz I passed a cop tagged his position, soon as you pull up behind me I realized I was the only car within a mile and he in my opinion may have had Waze on and I don't believe theye appreciate the apps purpose as much as you and I. I did not get pulled over but at the same time I don't think I one thing knowing I rated him out. You're welcome for being an awesome contribution to your company and good night.