Add ability to report gas prices
It would be nice if users could report gas prices... This would attract a LOT more wazers.
I don't mind having to manually enter the data, but reporting it could be as simple as taking a pic of the price sign with your phone, and on the server side, it gets interpreted and organized into grade of gas and price.
Wazers will then be able to search filtering out stations that have (or don't have) diesel, or if your vehicle requires higher octane, one will be able to filter out specific details to match their needs.

up and running since version 3.2
Anonymous commented
in a situation like the one in the southeast right now it would be helpful for waze to report what stations have gas at all
Higee commented
The upgraded version ( for reporting gas prices takes longer. The dollar part is separate from the cent part so you have to do dollar first then cent, if the price change involves both. The previous version of typing the amount is faster than scrolling up or down to the amount. It's ok if there is no change in price. Also, maybe some kind of color coding so it shows if the price was updated or not. Example: The price for regular is updated but the diesel price hasn't been updated in days. It just says when prices were last updated even if only one type of gas was updated.
Anonymous commented
Still cannot report gas prices on my windows phone, so not as completed as it should be.
Paul commented
Couldn't you write a formula to calculate whether the difference in gas price was enough to justify the extra gas of driving there and giving alerts to great prices. Maybe even entering the make and model of your car on the first fillup so it can calc how full the tank is with distance and speed data :-)
bmcutright commented
I wonder if there would be a way to add Gas Buddy integration as a layer that can be turned on and off, just like you used to be able to turn on and off different levels of reports. Or even a Gas Buddy button in the Navigation Search screen (ie Foursquare/Bing/Google) to pick the closest/cheapest gas stations.
Jordan commented
And another vote for gas buddy integration
harling commented
Another vote for *two-way* GasBuddy integration--let GasBuddy use Waze to nav to the selected station, but also let Waze use GasBuddy to find gas stations along the route (preferably ahead rather than behind).
anonlion commented
I'd like an open API so that others could integrate information like gas prices, restaurants, etc, AND wazers could choose which info to display. I really, really, really want a good tie-in between waze and a gas price application. Specifically, I want to be able to specify a route in waze and a distance, and have waze+ tell me me what the cheapest gas prices are for my route.
MarionOaks commented
If you could manage to integrate GasBuddy in the USA/Canada with Waze this would be perfect!
fvwazing commented
We need ways to show ANYTHING on the map. Other sites are specialists for gaspricing, hotels, restaurants - Waze should not even TRY to do that. First get the basics right, then link to other data.
Elgiulematt commented
I agree!
I've think to route in best price gas station about 5- 10km. -
Anonymous commented
I agree, Gas Buddy integration would be great.
Welcome to Sweden commented
For Sweden, integration with the iPhone app "Bensinjakt" would be better - they already have a great database with gas prises and gas station locations.
khaytsus commented
What I'd like to see is the ability to see GasBuddy gas stations on the Waze map as you drive and the ability to quickly update the data. I think it'd work out great for both Wazers and GasBuddy, as they'd get a lot more input and visibility and we could see where the best gas prices are nearby and route to them.