Sunrise/sunset vs absolute times for restrictions
Some roads have driving restrictions based on the local sunrise/sunset times, which are difficult to map even somewhat accurately as a series of consecutive restrictions with absolute start/end times.
Being able to set a single year-round restriction using a "sunrise" or "sunset" option to set the start/end times, and leaving it up to the routing server to determine what the actual start/end times are for each restriction based on the current date and coordinates of the restricted segments, could therefore be useful.
by Twister-UK
Link to the original suggestion:

We have looked at this suggestion, and in order to make some decisions about it, would like to kindly ask you to provide us with more data about it.
Please share some examples for when and where this restrictions apply? (use cases)
And any country you know relevant for it.
CB commented
There is a ferry near here that operates sunrise to sunset. Correctly the only way to set that is using time based turn restrictions, but with the seasonal changes (including daylight savings) the times can vary by as much as four hours throughout the calendar year.
Helms Ferry
Union County, TN, USA -
Anonymous commented
Hi there
In Namibia all National parks have sunrise - sunset opening times and if available for places I'll definitely change many such places.Regards
Editbug -
turbomkt commented
In the USA, it is not uncommon for parks to be open from sunrise until sunset. If we can get this for restrictions, I would also want it for places!
kkervinjones commented
Outside of London, here is an example in Manchester: -
Chris commented
Some roads through the Royal Parks in London have restrictions which start or end at dusk - e.g.:
Green Park, no traffic allowed between 8am and dusk on Sundays or public holidays Park: no traffic allowed between dusk and 7am (summer) or 7:30am (winter) both of the permalinks provided, you can see our attempts to map these restrictions as best we can using a series of TBRs with differing start/end times.
alexs001 commented
In my area (BC, Canada) speed zones around playgrounds are defined as 30 km/h dawn to dusk. If we want to be able to map this accurately, we need support for this type of floating system.