WME frontend should show backend errors
when saving, if the backend fails, it returns a message. But often they are not localized, and in that case we get a generic
"Please try again later" which is useless because in most case the problem will not solve and the only solution is to cancel all edits.
Here is a list of messages that are not localized and need to be displayed (maybe not exactly in the same form, but at least do not tell the user to try again if it is impossible that it works.
Invalid street 0 was set for venue ID -100
Missmatch max speed in original segments
Property toSegID of NodeConnection with ID 305118209f/-113r references Segment with no generated ID for -113
Node 282093744 is not connected to segment 356869225
There are probably many more, but it is the one I got while editing recently.
Of course it would be even better if the frontend did not generate situation causing those errors :)
By: kpouer
Link to original suggestion:

Thank you very much for this great suggestion.
It was added to our backlog to try and see the possibility to implement it.
Please note there is no ETA for it yet.