Tag URs with "Not Following"
I tried finding a post that described this problem but I could not find it, in case there is one, it can be merged to that thread.
tl;dr Add a tag to URs when the user is not registered or not following a UR.
Not long ago ronsek57 told me that users, who just opened the app and never registered, are able to send URs but they never receive any of our messages asking for more information. I tested that on three URs (IDs 11946180, 11946458, 11946459), I am not adding permalinks because they already disappeared from WME.
I sent all three an initial message, follow up and closed them, I did not receive any messages on my test account:
Not registered - see screenshot 1
Inbox (only the welcome message) - see screenshot 2
I did not change any of the notifications on the app, I just installed the app and started driving - - see screenshot 3
I know this is not centercode, and I will post about this over there, I sent my logs on April 28th at 22:42:13 UTC / 15:40 GMT -7 hours.
We sometimes get URs with no drive or suggested route GPS traces and we will waste our time sending many messages to a user or leave the UR for more than a week or two.
Suggestion: add a "Not Following" tag for URs where the original poster is not following the UR or it comes from a Not Registered account.
This is not posted as a bug because this was WAD.
I am sure ronsek57 can give you tons of stats of how many URs are closed as Not Identified.
I know that I did not send some of those URs but I can check if there is a problem, because they are on a frequent drive and I can fix them without any messages from the OP.
By: carloslaso
Link to original suggestion: https://www.waze.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1525&t=257119

Thank you very much for taking the time for thinking of it. As it was mentioned in the forum before, as for now, this suggestion will not be implemented.
We are currently working on some other changes to our conversations.