Change Forum Sharing Option autofill
When an editor uses the forum sharing options, new editors are consistently adding the wrong lock level to their request.
For example, the current Unlock Request automatically fills in the following information:
Hi Editors,
I would like to be able to edit the following segment(s).
Your help would be greatly appreciated.
Unlock to level:
Thank you in advance,
The "reason" and "unlock to level" kind of blend in.
My suggestions would be to automatically fill in the current lock level of the selected objects and the rank of the editor making the request for the "unlock to level" information
As a sample:
Hi Editors,
I would like to be able to edit the following segment(s).
Your help would be greatly appreciated.
"Unlock from level 5 to level: 1" (autofilled based off object level and editor rank)
Thank you in advance,
NOTE: If the editor happens to select multiple objects with multiple lock levels, you can use the highest lock for the request.
i.e. 3 segments are L3 and 1 segment is L4 and editor is L2
"Unlock from level 4 to level: 2"
Thanks for your consideration

Thanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.