Ability to select long stretches of road
A feature that would allow defining a start and an end point and which would automatically select the road between them would be very helpful. There is somtimes a need to select a length of road in the tens or even hundreds of kilometres. (The alt-click trick doesn't work for such long distances.)
Two use case examples:
1) RTC on long stretch of highway
There have been several highway closures due to winter storms recently. Selecting the entire road to be closed requires lots of panning and selecting individual segments, which is very time-consuming.
2) Making changes to long stretches of road
Example: changing the speed limit, road type, name, etc.

Great timing! We’re currently working on being able to select long streches of road. Keep an eye out for updates on the WME.
YUL_ commented
alexs001 pointed out that this is already suggested here:
Kathy Kendall commented
And it needs to be able to select the correct path, not just path with the fewest segments, as alt-click does.