Add a new UR Issue filter "Last comment by" - "Not Me"
Please add a new UR filter in the "Last comment by" drop-down - called "Not me".
In conjunction with the "Comment by me" filter, this will then allow me to see all URs that I have commented on in the past, but I wasn't the last person to reply. This will include the reporter and other editors.
Currently, if I select Reporter, I cannot see URs that other editors have last commented on. If I select All, I will see them, but also all of my reports that I was the last commenter on.
turbomkt commented
I would like to see this as well as more granularity to filters across the board. The URC-e script (which is based on URO+) has more filters than I know what to do with, but just a few of the more useful ones added to the Issue Tracker would make it much more valuable.