Display router-enabled U-turns as always green
WME displays some U-turn restrictions as red when routing will treat them as green. This is VERY confusing.
Specifically, we are told that when a driver following a Street roadway type reaches a junction node to a Parking Lot Road, the Waze router is allowed to offer a U-turn at that junction node -- REGARDLESS of the U-turn setting displayed by WME (we are also told this is true of Street/Private Road junction nodes as well -- and perhaps others?).
WME should not show editors red turn restrictions when in fact drivers will experience green turn restrictions. This can lead editors analyzing problems into the false belief that Waze would not have issued a U-turn in a location when in fact it could.
The more intuitive WME's interface, the better the quality that the editing community can provide. Please make the WME U-turn indicator reflect actual routing behavior.

AdminWaze Team (Admin) (Admin, Waze) commented
Hi DwarfLord,
Thank you for the report.
This looks to be a bug and we'd love to further investigate.May we ask you to please report it here: https://www.waze.com/discuss/c/editors/wme-production-bugs/5025 so we can gather all the relevant details in order to open an internal issue?
Many thanks in advance.
SuperDave1426 commented
It's important for editors to know what is happening, and should have accurate displays of node turn restrictions.