My feedback
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Steven shared this idea ·
1,676 votes
Thanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
An error occurred while saving the comment An error occurred while saving the comment Steven commented
I have already left a comment on this topic, but this distraction has become, over time, such a distraction and annoyance that I feel the need to comment again.
Ignoring the ads, Waze is my favorite navigation app, by far. But I cannot ignore the ads, because they pop up at the most inopportune time, which is pretty much always if you are driving, which is literally the only time I use Waze.
If someone is driving, they probably already have destination, and are extremely unlikely to see an ad and think to themselves, "Gee, I think I'm going to change my current plans to include a stop at <insert fast-food restaurant here> then continue on to my previous plans." Keeping in mind that if they are thinking this stuff they are not thinking as effectively about driving, and being undistracted when driving is rather important.
Seriously, I am notifying you (Waze) that the lesser of two evils is now using a navigation app that does not throw ads in my face. I am going to stop using Waze, which makes me very sad.
By the way, the ads are one thing, but the pop-ups that ask me if I've seen any of the ads listed is, well, unconscionable. If you want me to tell you which ads I have seen, you should be paying me. Besides, as a software developer, I'm quite sure you already know which ads have annoyed the crap out of me since it is Waze that put them there.
If your goal is to annoy the sh*t out of your users you have succeeded. Please make a paid version.
An error occurred while saving the comment Steven commented
I will never ever ever go to an advertised location. In fact, I'd avoid going there just because it popped up on my Waze. Even worse are the messages asking me if I've seen an Ad, which I will never answer. I understand that Ad revenue is important to this app, so please please please let us pay to turn this shite off. I hate ads, of all kinds. If I want to go to a restaurant, I am perfectly capable of looking places up myself, and am not about to suddenly decide to go to an advertised location because it annoyed me in Waze.
Steven supported this idea ·
1,928 votes
Thanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
An error occurred while saving the comment Steven commented
I agree with Ana. This is a terrible idea. How 'bout you just don't "break the law". Simple enough, right? I also vehemently wish you'd take off the "Speed Cameras", since I'd like nothing more than seeing you assholes that blow through red lights be pulled over. That would tickle me pink, and perhaps your ticket income will help get some of those potholes fixed. Personally, I think Waze should work with the police and send data about you mega-speeder, narcissistic lane changer, red light offender F&$*ers so you get a letter from the police to show up at court. You "people" make commuting suck. Oh, and the same goes for people going 10 under the speed limit in the left lane. Send them to court too.
2,888 votes
Thanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
An error occurred while saving the comment Steven commented
Aren't there already enough navigation apps with walking directions? Are we hoping to avoid heavy foot traffic? Or perhaps there's a police man we wish to avoid walking into? Come on.
I have an idea. Since there doesn't seem to be a rush to create a paid add-free version, how 'bout, at least, giving those of us who report the various conditions on the road a break from these damnable ads. I abhor them. Even worse is, as I believe I've said before, when you ask us which ads we've seen. I think you should pay us to answer that inane question. Sorry, I don't mean to be an a-hole, but damn. It's not as if there aren't already enough ads in life, although I do appreciate, very slightly, that they seem to only show up when I'm stopped now. Egads, though, please, have a heart and give us a way out of this pain. I've threatened to quit using Waze, as a boycott of sorts, but the fact that it works so well at routing me around nasty traffic means I continue to suffer through these insane ads. It's as if one second I'm in heaven and the next in hell. I suggest you find a way to keep your users from having to face a dilemma every time they use this app.