Please offer an ad-free version of Waze.
I'm pretty sick of seeing Taco Bells, Ramada Inns, and Smart Water pop up on my map. I'd pay up to $5 for a version of Waze without advertisements.

Thanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
Louis Marshall commented
hi, can you do an paid version of waze? the ads are distracting whilst i drive, i never click them, so the ads aren't helpful to me. i would be happy to pay $30 USD per year as a subscription if the annoying ads were removed.
Joe V commented
Hello! I love your app except for one thing: The ads are distracting, dangerous, and make traveling harder. Please have a paid version. Otherwise, I may need to use another navigation app. I would gladly pay a subscription. God bless you!
Andreas Birnbäume commented
Sometimes in the destination suggestions box appears an ad for a store to which I never go, because sometimes the app takes a while in charging this ad, the app sends me to this store even if I chose my destination. It is very annoying and I’ve come late to work because of this.
Richard Wonka commented
I was trying waze again and quickly realised why i had deinstalled it.
As long as you push ads on my phone, i will most definitely not use the app.
Richard Moskola commented
You need one. I'm a delivery driver and it's ANNOYING AF at every red light or long stop sign to see an ad. I don't eat fast food, which seems to be the majority of ads.
David Thompson commented
Really like this app apart from the adverts get on my nerves. I'll see how it goes over the next few weeks, may uninstall if the ads get more frequent.
I know Waze has a choice of 'personalised' ads similar to Google ( Waze is owned by Google) but I would prefer an additional choice of paying for an ad-free version. -
TGHopkins commented
Please stop the ads, it's to detracting to the driver.
Mark Kruger commented
Charge a premium and get rid of the ad pop-ups
Mark Kruger commented
Charge a premium and get rid of the ad pop-ups
Fit Boy commented
Hey I using subscriptionflow's subscription software and they understand that customer service is an integral part of any service business and needs to have a detailed insight into all phases of real sales transformation. Thus, a company focuses on every aspect to achieve customer satisfaction when working with
Yves-Marie van den Brande commented
Pourrions nous pas utilisé les voitures personnalisé avec de pub pour asbl et parti politique non élus gratuit et entreprises et parti politique élu payant ...
Ainsi on peut créé un plus grand visibilité gratuit (couverte par les parts payant biensur) montages à définir...
Je veux bien être un testeur de systèmes que vous métré en place 😉🇧🇪👍 -
plocklin commented
I would gladly pay for waze if it had no ads or carpool.I have gone back to google maps most of the time because of the clutter and distraction of waze.
Meghan commented
I also agree, having not only missed exists and adding in 20mins to my trip due to ads popping up its dangerous. I love Waze but the placement of ads needs to be changed
Lisa G commented
I find that the ads on Waze make it almost usable. Stops are not long enough to get rid of the ad and see what I am going to do before the next stop. I would pay $5 to $10 to get a Pro version. For now I have stopped using it and switched to other apps. The suggestion to change came from other former Waze users who were hindered by ads on Waze.
Anonymous commented
I HATE THE ADS!!!!!!! how can I pay to get them removed? They are so distracting when driving!!!!!!!1
Anonymous commented
Buy app end advertising option
I’m not into junk food and coffea from Starbucks. Please give more options.It’s also distracting and disruptive otherwise I love that app
Anonymous commented
Would like to pay for ad free version
Anonymous commented
I want it, too, please
Sven Fittinghoff commented
Ein Abo von 0,99€ dafür ist Waze ohne Werbung
Michael Rogers commented
I agree with the post about the liability of ways in accidents regarding these ads. Do you have a pop up show up on the screen out of the blue and then be read navigate it if you accidentally touched it is dangerous and irrelevant to me. I am heading to work I do not have time to go to a sitdown restaurant or get a car wash or go to a strip club. Thank you