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16992 results found

  1. Icon

    Add icon for emergency responders. Currently have a fire truck, would be nice to see Ambulance car, Police car and an Ambulance

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  2. Rajouter un profil véhicule Camping-car

    Il serait bien de rajouter un profil Vehicule dans les paramètres pour les camping-cars !
    Merci beaucoup
    Nathalie G

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  3. Trajet camping car

    Bonjour serait il possible de proposer le camping car dans les véhicules ? Afin de pouvoir avoir les meilleurs trajets possibles afin de ne pas être "coincé " dans une rue étroite par exemple ...

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  4. Show bridges/ low bridges for cars with roof bike racks

    Add an option in the settings>Navigation >preferences, for low bridges that are a big risk for cars with roof bike racks. We’ve had an accident with the roof bike racks, I’ve heard of many other incidents involving the bicycles and the bridges. Thanks

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  5. Camping car

    Bonjour je vais vous faire gagné de l'argent en vous proposant de faire en sorte qu'on puisse mettre les dimensions de notre camping car ou camion dans Waze pour qu'on puisse prendre la route sans se soucier des hauteurs des ponts

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  6. Take to Twitter and Facebook. Expose Waze for supporting deviants

    Enough is enough with wokism and corporations trying to shove this behavior down the throats of the 96% of Americans who do not engage is the alphabet soup nonsense.

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  7. WAZE “Sleep” Change Is A Terrible Idea

    Why did you make it so impossible to get to the “sleep” function?
    Obviously, you don’t use the app?
    Please make the “sleep” function available everywhere!

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  8. I vote for the route in the center of the screen on android car audio

    On android car radio the route is not in the center of the screen. Moreover - it is on the right side of the screen, at the maximum distance from the driver. It is very uncomfortable! Fix it please!

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  9. Alerta de lombada fisica

    Gostaria que criassem alertas ou avisos de lombada física que são esse auto relevo feitos na estrada para diminuir a vlelocidade muito comum no Brasil, Mais muitas vezes mau sinalizada podendo causar acidentes ou a quebra dos veiculos. Fica a dica.

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  10. Route option

    Please add options for route base on road selection
    I want to go from point a to point b
    I want to drive on road selection that i want
    And base not on the best route
    I want to see all the options and select the best option based on my selection

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  11. Android Auto and Planned Drives

    With the latest update my planned drives don't appear like they use to in Android Auto. Please bring this back.

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  12. speed camera

    You used to let us report Police -> Speed camera. For temporary speed cameras. Now we can only report police/visible or police/hidden. Not all speed cameras are permanent map features. Please reinstate this feature.

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  13. Companion App for Wear OS

    Especially useful for motorcycle riders. As an alert, difficult to access while riding so function should be limited. But I would love a vibration of the watch and an image of the alert while companion app is active.

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  14. Offer detour suggestions in case of traffic delays?

    Offer detour suggestions in case of traffic delays? Say expected delay, calculate up to 3 detours, allow user choice.

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  15. Provide the option to Avoid a route through a state

    As states continue to press forward on legislation hostile to the LGBTQ+ community - with some even including potential arrests for being in your gender identity - please consider an option to avoid routing through an area, such as a city or state.
    This will be key for the personal safety of LGBTQ+ community members.

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  16. Conducteur en conduite accompagnée

    Bonjour , les conducteurs en conduite accompagnée ont besoin de faire un reporting trajet km, conditions de circulation, environnement… : Waze pourrait développer une appli oi option permettant d’obtenir l’ace type de récapitulatif de trajets et 1/ apporter un service de qualité au suivi pédagogique de l’apprentissage 2/ fidéliser des jeunes futurs utilisateurs, qu’en pensez vous ? Merci! Élise

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  17. Road Speed Limit to small to see easily

    Hi, the current Road Speed Limit is rather small for me to see without reading glasses. I don't wear multifocal glasses & can't wear a reading glasses when I'm driving.

    Please enlarge it to the same size as the travelling speed of the car.

    Please don't remove this car's travelling speed it is very helpful. & instead of changing the colour to red when the car exceeds speed limit how about changing the circle to an inverted triangle (the international graphic sign for caution). Also instead of just changing colour to red how about flashing the digits (considering people who…

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  18. Remove street tags

    It will be good to remove street names tags from the route, especially near turns . I did lost couple times just because I couldn't see where exactly I should turn because street name tag was exactly on my arrow.

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  19. Augmenter le diamètre du panneau de limitation de vitesse

    Dans le logo du panneau de limitation de vitesse en bas à droite de l'écran, les limitations de vitesses à 3 chiffres exemple 110 ou 130 sont trop petites et illisibles

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  20. Compass

    Need compass. There used to be an option to show compass but it's gone

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