Waze Suggestion Box
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873 results found
Apartment where the inside the complex
It would help Wazers would be able to find which building. Inside the Complex. Show building numbers.
For all Delivery drivers. Or people who are new the area.
Also add to for delivery drivers would have an area for Gate code? Integration. In the app. Also notified about a road that not been. Marked it will be have teamed up 511. That would be a great source In Waze app.1 vote -
New roads
Dear Waze Team,
I have been a dedicated Waze user for several years. Recently, I discovered that I could contribute by making map corrections when I tried to report a missing road. A Waze representative reached out to me online, I provided details, and within a couple of days, the road was added to the map. I truly appreciate this level of responsiveness and community engagement.
I would like to propose a collaboration. I am the administrator of an off-road club in Azerbaijan, and we frequently travel across the country using old topographic maps that include roads not currently available…
1 vote -
Import saved places from google maps to waze
It would be great to import saved places from google maps to waze
3 votes -
Emphasize searching by business address during user onboarding.
As a volunteer editor, I deal with many URs that involve what the user perceives to be "incorrect" address navigation. I frequently find myself advising reporters to search by business name instead of address, because the business PP is generally more accurate than the HN. It would be great if this could be added to the tips that are shown to a new user when they first run the app. I think this would reduce user frustration because they likely expect navigation to the building like in GMaps when they enter an address. They don't realize they are being taken…
3 votes -
1 vote
Com aumento de assaltos seria interessante conseguir seguir o mapa com o celular bloqueado
Com o aumento de assaltos em diversos locais seria interessante conseguir seguir o mapa com o celular bloqueado, como é possível em outros app
1 vote -
Spotify connection glitch
Everytime I change song usually the name of the song/artist shows up on my screen. But for a few seconds with a bar showing how long it's going to stay for. Now it shows the song and artist name for 1FRAME. Legitimately a single frame. And no matter what troubleshooting I do nothing has changed.
1 voteThanks for reaching out. Please note this platform is dedicated to ideas and suggestions for the Waze app. If your idea is for a Community platform like the Waze Map Editor, please submit it through the Community forum. If you need help using Waze or troubleshooting the app, please click here to reach the "Waze support" page.
recent drives
So when I choose a saved favorite, it never appears under recent drives. It would be very helpful if it did because I constantly have to scroll through my favorites when looking for this recent drive. Please have all recent drives appear in recent drives, even if they are saved favorites! Love Waze! And thanks!
3 votes -
Custom saved places icons
Having custom icons for saved places such as show for work or home, to make them stand out more, such as GYM icon for gym, or a brother/sister/partner symbol?
11 votes -
Widget shortcuts
Can you add widget functionality to have a specific shortcut on your homepage (Home, for instance) or even for the long-press of the app shortcut?
1 vote -
Charging spots on the way view to the amount of the battery
I had an electric car byd auto 3 and i drive from a to b. If the battery is in 40 preecent tga wase will take me to the nearest charching stop
1 vote -
Motivate road workers to report road closures.
Some how. I don't know how. An ad campaign on trade sites, a viral video. Suggest to any road worker who is digging up the road to first pull their phone out and mark the lane closure or closed road. Most people I know have Waze. I'd bet someone in the team digging up the road would have it on them.
1 vote -
For Sidekick Theme: Jurassic World, Star Wars, Star Trek & etc.
2 votes -
Combustível - eletricidade
Se podemos registar os nossos veículos como elétricos, não se compreende como é que quando vamos escolher o combustível favorito não temos a opção “eletricidade”. Também não se compreende que nesta app tão avançada, não se possa ter o alerta de postos de carregamento elétricos para os nossos carros.
1 vote -
"Electricity" as "Preferred gas type"
I want to chose "electricity" as "Preferred gas type" (in Portuguese is "favorite fuel").
I already selected "Turn on EV features".2 votes -
Who Are the Top iGaming Software Providers in 2025?
The iGaming industry continues to grow at an exponential rate, and choosing the right software provider is essential for success in this competitive market. Based on market performance, innovation, and client satisfaction, here are the top iGaming software providers in 2025:
- Innosoft Group Innosoft Group leads the pack as a top iGaming software provider in 2025. Renowned for their expertise in creating dynamic, secure, and scalable platforms, they cater to a variety of gaming needs. Their ability to deliver innovative solutions tailored to client requirements has made them a preferred choice…
1 vote -
Be able to mark passing places in country lanes like you can potholes.
When going down narrow country lanes wide enough for one car it would be great be able to mark passing places like you can pot holes. So many times you meet another car and wonder where the next passing place is.
1 vote -
Editar preço de combustível também pelo WME
Tornar a atualização dos preços de combustíveis mais acessível e colaborativa no Waze! ⛽🚗
Atualmente, nós usuários do Waze só podemos atualizar os preços dos combustíveis quando estamos próximos ao posto e via aplicativo. Gostaria que fosse ampliada essa funcionalidade para o Waze Map Editor. Com isso, seria possível contribuir com informações de preços mesmo à distância, melhorando a precisão dos dados e ajudando ainda mais a comunidade, além de informar quando postos estiverem com preços defasados. 🙌
Ao liberar a atualização via Waze Map Editor, mais editores poderiam colaborar, e a plataforma se tornaria mais eficiente, beneficiando todos os…
2 votes -
waze for ski areas?
you can see how busy trails are, people can report issues on a run - accident, hazard, etc. Find your friends, avoid lessons, and you can use it in the summer when you're hiking... or mountain biking...
1 vote -
My idea is to add parking lot navigation to the gate closest to the desired destination. For example, if I enter to a large parking lot and want to get to a health insurance company located inside the building, I want the app to guide me to the gate closest to where I need to go.
If the idea interests you, I would be happy to provide more details.
1 vote
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