send destination or itinerary from computer to phone
Hi! It would be nice to send itinerary or destination from a web brower on a computer directly to the Waze app. A Great way would be through the "share menu" extension built in OSX.
Great thinking! The issue you raised has been addressed in a recent redesign. Hope you like it!
Anonymous commented
I often map my locations from my PC before I leave to see how long it will take. Much faster (and safer) if I could see these from within my account.
tradergeorge commented
Plan a trip on the website then be able to send/recall it form the app.
when logged on. -
Steve commented
I ride motorcycles and creating routes is a must have. I could then get rid of my Garmin and Mapsource.
Amit Vice commented
Enable users to save bookmarks (e.g: "home" ) on their phone desktop. Clicking on this bookmark will lunch Waze with the designated target (Home in the example).
This will enable voice tagging for the bookmarks and will open really hands free usage of Waze.
e.g: I will enter my car, connect my phone to the BT system. Hit the BT button and say home. Waze will be opened and show me the optimal rout to my home. -
bubblebenj commented
It would be nice to setup or modify an itinerary that you know it is the best.
And load it on your phone when navigating.Also that would allow to modify the itinerary that waze has identified as work itinerary for instance.
Ideally waze would suggest to enhance it (as it usually do).