Implement a setting for winter tires with studs and help driver to avoid forbidden streets
Implement a setting for winter tires with studs and help the driver to avoid forbidden streets. In urban areas in the Nordic countries it is becoming more common that local politicians forbid driving cars with winter tires with studs on some streets with high pollution. When creating a route to a destination, Waze do not take into account that some of the streets may be restricted due to this. This is becoming a problem since the driver need to be a local to know where not to drive. Signs showing the restriction are always present but will be noticed too late and mostly when you actually already are on the street. Fines for not complying are high and the police makes regular checks. Studs save lives applied on cars used in various winter conditions and will be used widely also in the future.
Nicke Wikman commented
THIS! helt obegripligt att det här inte går att implementera. Det är ju inte så att kravet på förbud mot dubbdäck ändras från år till år. Och om det nu inte går att göra "centralt", ge oss användare möjlighet att lägga in "undantaget" själva.
Sofia commented
Möjlighet att välja bort vägalternativ med dubbdäcksförbud, likt de val som med motorväg o färjor
Marcus Sjölund commented
Hej, jag bor i Stockholm och här finns det flera gator/vägar som har dubbdäcksförbud. Bl.a hornsgatan,kungsgatan & fleminggatan. Min bil jag kör har du dubbdäck vilket betyder att jag ej får köra på dessa vägar, och waze visar ofta endast rutter som involverar dubbdäcksförbuds vägar.
Det hade varit bra om ni la till under flicken ”avoid (undvik)” dubbdäckgator/vägar -
Leif Kardell commented
If you drive with a car that has studded winter tyres on streets where this is prohibited (Stockholm, Göteborg, Uppsala) you may be fined. I would very much like the choice in Waze to exclude such streets from my routes.
Björn Rabenius commented
Jag tänkte precis efterfråga denna funktion. Man vill ju värna om den lokala miljön och slippa bryta mot lagar. Alltså borde det finnas ett val där man väljer om man vill åka på vägar utan dubbdäcksförbud i tätorter.
Anonymous commented
Lägg in alternativ att kunna undvika gator med dubbdäcksförbud på vinterhalvåret. Är oerhört frustrerande att navigera och hela tiden få rekommendation att åka på gator som är förbjudna med dubbdäck!
Inese commented
YES! I've been thinking about it several winters already and even being a local it can be annoying to keep in mind route planning according to studded tire regulations. All my votes to this idea!
Jesper commented
Studded tires maybe is the correct name.
Anonymous commented
Please add function to avoid roads Where winter tires with spikes are forbidden when you drive a car with spikes
Peter commented
We in the north need more due to other traficlaws and rules, this is one of them and I stand behind it all the way.
If the app should work as it was ment with us users contribute to live trafic and use it our selfs then this things need to be looked over, otherwise i and everyone in the north can go back using Google Maps.
Magnus Ström commented
Great idea - Will really set Waze ahead of others - again
Stefan Farestam commented
Great suggestion! This would preferably be implemented with a toggle support in the UI so that a decision can be taken for a given ride whether the restriction is applicable or not (I have two cars, one with studded tires and one without...)
Åsa Andersson commented
Introduce an option where you can avoid roads that does not allow spike tires. (applicable for example in Stockholm, Sweden, Europe).