Log business/personal mileage?
Could you mesh with a travel tracking program to log business/personal milage?

Anonymous commented
I log all of my business travel in a paper journal. It would be great if you had a report function that would let the app do all of the math and would accumulate all of the trips that I took for work.
Dyana Clark commented
It would be great to be able to document a drive for those of us that keep up with this info for example with taxes! I simple capture button and then the ability to send that to an email or as a log!
Anonymous commented
I am thinking a button you could press to start tracking mileage. Click Track, option to enter destinations in a specific order, record tolls, lastly a choice to have it automatically stop tracking once the final destination has been reached-vs-manual stopping of the tracker. With this feature there would be a report page that can be printed and submitted to payroll for reimbursement.
JG commented
I don't understand why this isnt done already?
Waze already pulls appointments out Outlook calendar. Why not mileage registration?
James R. Willard commented
I have used many tracking app and the best mileage tracking app that I've used and currently using is MileGo. It is very useful to me especially because my trips are mostly business related. Keeping track of mileage log is essential most especially when it comes to tax deductions.
Anonymous commented
to print reports from history of selectable routes that were taken. to compile amount of business miles driven. By tracking history and allowing user to select routes were business related and then made printable.
Brian commented
Currently I have to use two apps for business travel. Waze for GPS and MileIQ to track mileage. I would have no problem paying for a premium version of Waze that accurately tracks mileage and accounts for re-routing. Putting this all in one app would be incredibly convenient.
Tim commented
When planning a trip, asking Business or Personal would be great. If you clicked business it could record the trips made so they could be sent to email address or stored to file at end of month automatically or at end of trip if necessary. Perhaps a "Save these miles/trip record?"
Donna J. Pallottole commented
Waze would be ultimately perfect if you could make it possible to log the drives and possibly even catagorize them private/business for administration usage.
I now have 2 apps running and it really would make Waze the upmost brilliantestestest app ever if it could be combined! And I think you would make 100% of your users even more happy with a feature like that. -
Denise Raynor commented
Mileage Deduction for Tax Reporting Feature -called Waze Mile Tracker - Select "track mileage" button and it sends/stores to mileage tracking reporting (allow additions/changes as needed to append report by end user).
Scottie Vosburgh commented
As a small. Usiness owner, I would pay for the ability to track and download mileage logs. It would be immensely helpful at tax time since I use Waze nearly every time I have an appointment.
Jesse Mullis commented
Hi Waze, can you please consider the feature requested in this post. We can already see a list of our trips in the map editor under Drives tab, but the information needs to be exportable and some additional details added to make it useable for tax records. Thanks so much for your consideration
Chris Compo commented
It would be good to have Daily, weekly, Monthly and annual mileage logged.
Also would be awesome to see hours traveled and hours stuck in traffic. This could also be daily, Weekly, Monthly and Yearly! -
Savannah commented
With the option to name your own "vehicle or trip" and be able to open and track through the year (or lifetime)
This would be helpful for tax purposes
For example-
2016 Business trips for vehicle X
2016 Business trips for vehicle Y
2016 Personal trips for Vehicle Z
2015 California vacation vehicle ZThere are mile tracker apps on the market but no other map app is as good as waze. If you combined them it would be a great feature!
Joshua Senzer commented
I would take this a step further and suggest integration with corporate expense applications such as Concur and Expensify via published APIs
Serge commented
Been able to export the data (Living time and dparture add, distance, arrival time and add.) in a log (ex: MS excel) to be use as proof for expense or taxation
Jean-Francois Gagnon commented
J’utilise Waze pour tous mes déplacements depuis plus de 3 ans maintenant et même s’il est possible de consulter les historiques de trajet des trois derniers mois via l’éditeur de carte sur le web, il serait bien que certaine fonctionnalités Pro incluent des notes de trajets pour fin de déduction fiscale d’entreprise.
Il est fâchant de devoir utiliser Waze pour planifier des trajets en plus d’une application comme « Magical Miles » ou « Everlance » ou encore « TrackMyDrive » pour enregistrer les km parcouru pour fin de déductions d’impôt.
Comme vous possédez déjà les historique de navigation, il serait intéressant que des fonctionnalités Pro puissent donner accès a un historique plus élaborer des trajets, donner la possibilité d’enregistrer des trajets comme personnels ou professionnels ainsi que de pouvoir prendre des notes sur les trajets (quel véhicule, pour quel projet, etc.) Aussi, en terme de fonctionnalité Pro, il pourrait être avantageux d’avoir un compte entreprise avec plusieurs conducteurs enregistrés. -
Beth commented
Yes! I am hoping WAZE will create a way we can save drives and categorize them for tax deduction-same idea but different use of the capability. I would pay for this!
Rich commented
Currently logging mileage on a piece of paper when traveling to meetings. Now that that the calendar is linked to Waze, would like to see a separate screen that showed meetings attended for the week with a log of stop and start odometer reading or just summary of miles for reporting. Or provide an extra button when starting a route to ask questions like: is this a business expense? Provide option to turn this feature off.
Anonymous commented
set up trip tracking so I can use it on expense report and for IRS records -mush like MileIQ but better