Batman Voice
Batman voice

Thank you for your suggestion. We will add this voice request to our User Request wish-list.
Eduardo Batista commented
A ideia é personalizar sua navegação no Waze usando temas variados, como por exemplo, o tema do Batman. Ótima ideia e gostaria que ficasse por mais tempo. Desde já agradeço.
Carlos commented
Colocar as motos dos personagens Batman e charada a disposição pra quem tem moto, e colocar ícones dos Transformers também tenho certeza de que ficaria legal também.
Carlos commented
Novos ícones
Carlos commented
Colocar as motos dos personagens Batman e charada a disposição pra quem tem moto
Anonymous commented
Hi Waze, thanks for the batman riddler voices add-on. It will actually be better if you can include Alfred and Jarvis voices add-on instead!
Robert Gates commented
Make the Batman features that were put out for Batman Day 2020 permanent. The voice features, the avatar profiles and the vehicle looks. All the Batman ones mostly. I'm not particular to the Riddler ones.
Anonymous commented
Batman for women ! Such a fun idea to had DC caracters to Waze, however, no female option available ?
There is however a wide choice among female characters in the DC universe. A little effort to make women wonderwomen behind the wheel :)
That is just for funny day :) -
Anonymous commented
You have added Batman Voice as a Guide, but it would be perfect if you have added his assistance Alfred voice.
so it would be like you ARE Batman driving..
Alfred, "Ok, suit up and lets go,.. your target is XX meters away.
(Danger ahead) watch out from.. arrive at destination, "target to your left, go catch it" and so on.... -
K.B. commented
Could we get Batman the Animated Series' Joker (Mark Hamill) to voice some directions for navigation? Come on people! Imagine all the madness and joy of it all! Just you and the Joker guiding you down the road! 🤣
Anonymous commented
Voice over option.
Robert commented
Requesting voice actress Tara Strong provide at least one navigational voice. This accomplished actress provides voices for many animated characters, from Batman's Harley Quinn to My Little Pony's Twilight Sparkle to Final Fantasy X's Rikku. Her wit and humor would enhance the driving experience.